Gender representation in advertising

1) Find three adverts featuring women that are from the 1950s or 1960s. Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post. Hint: You may wish to look at car, perfume or cleaning products but can use any product you wish. 2) Find three adverts featuring women that are from post-2000. Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post. 3) What stereotypes of women can you find in the 1950s and 1960s adverts? Give specific examples. Sexism in advertising has been around as long as the industry has. We all know the classic 1950s commercial featuring idealized gender stereotypes where men wear suits heading off to work and women stay home fulfilling their role as housewife and mother . 4) What stereotypes of women can you find in the post-2000s adverts? Give specific examples . Still highly stereotyped, it usually shows women only as perfect wife, ...